The Maine Junior Black Bears youth hockey organization is the Greater Bangor Hockey Organization. We are the hockey organization that serves all towns covering all of Penobscot County and further. Our name says who we serve, we are the Maine Jr. Black Bears!
MJBB programs serve all age groups and all skill levels, including Learn-to-Skate and Learn-to-Play. Twenty-plus teams are currently represented by skaters aged 4 to 18 playing at three different levels (Tiers II, III and IV) in the following age groups: 6U, 7U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U and 18U.
The Registration "Welcome to the Maine Junior Black Bears" is not currently available.
The Registration "Welcome to the Maine Junior Black Bears" is not currently available.
The Registration "Welcome to the Maine Junior Black Bears" is not currently available.
Any fan that violates this policy will be asked to leave the rink and will not be able to return to ANY MJBB event until they meet with disciplinary committee.
Are you a friend or relative that would like to keep up with MJBB? Become a member of our site. Click HERE for details.
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